Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quarter Life Crisis

For most people, I am a well adjusted, rational, responsible young woman with a promising career, a great marriage and a fabulous life. In all actuality, I am just a great actress who missed her calling (as my mother so accurately puts it). I am, in fact completely chaotic, neurotic, judgemental, bitter and most of the time irresponsible. I do believe I am great at what I do but at the same time sulk in self loathing because I hate every minute of it. I am in the food and beverage industry and have been for what seems like an eternity and no, I am not one of the lucky ones that are working on a degree while waiting tables to pay my rent, tuition and drug habit, I actually went to college and have a degree in this shit. I'm completely invested in it, I even married a Chef, THAT invested. They say it takes a certain type of personality to make it big in this industry, I say yes, it takes having SEVERAL personalities AND an alter ego to make it, not to mention a tough skin and an endless supply of vodka to put up with the emotional and physical abuse that you have to endure. I also have passion for writing and I never shut the fuck up, which often gets me in trouble. I curse like a sailor, although I have never met a sailor so I can't accurately confirm this fact. I think I am a good friend but let's face it, who doesn't think they are? I am great at giving advice but I believe I need a life coach, and I cant swim even thought I am from an Island. I have two dogs who I believe are the dog versions of my husband and I, the female is jaded, opportunistic and uninterested and the male is overly excited, sweet and clueless. The beach makes me happy and I believe there are few better things than a really cold beer. My husband insists that I have body dysmorphia and that I am not fat but his job consists of making people eat pornographic amounts of calories and be happy about it, even pay for it so I don't know if I should trust him. And I am convinced that I am going through a quarter life crisis. So I have decided to write this blog as a more economical option to therapy. But I have to warn you that due to the graphic nature of my life some content might not be suitable for all readers. Please be advised that nudity, rude and crude language, violence and brutally honest content will be present...


  1. This is my girl! I love it. You are great writting, so you should be doing this. I remember a lot of things you have written, as a matter of fact, I do have a lot at home! Keep on going!!!

  2. Happy to see you doing this again, and I too belive this is the best kind of therapy there is!
